Jeff Tharp


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Jeff Tharp is a creative at heart. With over 15 years of experience in video production, editing, and design, he loves sharing all that he has learned with others. He currently co-produces and hosts the live-stream, ElijahFire. Five-days-a-week, he is joined by a variety of guests as they discuss happenings in culture, prophecy, as well as the big issues of today, all with a biblical perspective. He also spent time traveling the world as a short-term missionary through Youth With A Mission where he aided in humanitarian efforts, evangelizing, and encouraging local Christians.

Jeff’s passion is in discipleship, encouraging other creatives to walk with confidence, and instilling hope and joy in others. He is passionate about filmmaking and is an avid action figure and comic book collector. He currently resides in Salem, Oregon, with his beautiful wife Lauren, and their cat Lulu.

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